SGGSAng 1148Raag BhaironMahalla 519 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

sB qy aUcw jw kw nwau ]

sabh thae oochaa jaa kaa naao ||

His Name is the Highest of all.

sdw sdw qw ky gux gwau ]

sadhaa sadhaa thaa kae gun gaao ||

Sing His Glorious Praises, forever and ever.

ijsu ismrq sglw duKu jwie ]

jis simarath sagalaa dhukh jaae ||

Meditating in remembrance on Him, all pain is dispelled.

srb sUK vsih min Awie ]1]

sarab sookh vasehi man aae ||1||

All pleasures come to dwell in the mind. ||1||

ismir mnw qU swcw soie ]

simar manaa thoo saachaa soe ||

O my mind, meditate in remembrance on the True Lord.

hliq pliq qumrI giq hoie ]1] rhwau ]

halath palath thumaree gath hoe ||1|| rehaao ||

In this world and the next, you shall be saved. ||1||Pause||

purK inrµjn isrjnhwr ]

purakh niranjan sirajanehaar ||

The Immaculate Lord God is the Creator of all.

jIA jµq dyvY Awhwr ]

jeea janth dhaevai aahaar ||

He gives sustenance to all beings and creatures.

koit Kqy iKn bKsnhwr ]

aucwrx Kqy: polw bolo

kott khathae khin bakhasanehaar ||

He forgives millions of sins and mistakes in an instant.

Bgiq Bwie sdw insqwr ]2]

bhagath bhaae sadhaa nisathaar ||2||

Through loving devotional worship, one is emancipated forever. ||2||

swcw Dnu swcI vifAweI ]

saachaa dhhan saachee vaddiaaee ||

True wealth and true glorious greatness,

gur pUry qy inhcl miq pweI ]

aucwrx m`iq

gur poorae thae nihachal math paaee ||

And eternal, unchanging wisdom, are obtained from the Perfect Guru.

kir ikrpw ijsu rwKnhwrw ]

kar kirapaa jis raakhanehaaraa ||

When the Protector, the Savior Lord, bestows His Mercy,

qw kw sgl imtY AMiDAwrw ]3]

thaa kaa sagal mittai andhhiaaraa ||3||

All spiritual darkness is dispelled. ||3||

pwrbRhm isau lwgo iDAwn ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

paarabreham sio laago dhhiaan ||

I focus my meditation on the Supreme Lord God.

pUrn pUir rihE inrbwn ]

pooran poor rehiou nirabaan ||

The Lord of Nirvaanaa is totally pervading and permeating all.

BRm Bau myit imly gopwl ]

bhram bho maett milae gopaal ||

Eradicating doubt and fear, I have met the Lord of the World.

nwnk kau gur Bey dieAwl ]4]30]43]

naanak ko gur bheae dhaeiaal ||4||30||43||

The Guru has become merciful to Nanak. ||4||30||43||