SGGSAng 399Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

goibMdu guxI inDwnu gurmuiK jwxIAY ]

gobindh gunee nidhhaan guramukh jaaneeai ||

The Lord of the Universe is the treasure of excellence; He is known only to the Gurmukh.

hoie ikRpwlu dieAwlu hir rMgu mwxIAY ]1]

hoe kirapaal dhaeiaal har rang maaneeai ||1||

When He shows His Mercy and Kindness, we revel in the Lord's Love. ||1||

Awvhu sMq imlwh hir kQw khwxIAw ]

aavahu santh milaah har kathhaa kehaaneeaa ||

Come, O Saints - let us join together and speak the Sermon of the Lord.

Anidnu ismrh nwmu qij lwj lokwxIAw ]1] rhwau ]

anadhin simareh naam thaj laaj lokaaneeaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Night and day, meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and ignore the criticism of others. ||1||Pause||

jip jip jIvw nwmu hovY Andu Gxw ]

jap jap jeevaa naam hovai anadh ghanaa ||

I live by chanting and meditating on the Naam, and so I obtain immense bliss.

imiQAw mohu sMswru JUTw ivxsxw ]2]

mithhiaa mohu sansaar jhoothaa vinasanaa ||2||

Attachment to the world is useless and vain; it is false, and perishes in the end. ||2||

crx kml sµig nyhu iknY ivrlY lwieAw ]

charan kamal sang naehu kinai viralai laaeiaa ||

How rare are those who embrace love for the Lord's Lotus Feet.

DMnu suhwvw muKu ijin hir iDAwieAw ]3]

dhhann suhaavaa mukh jin har dhhiaaeiaa ||3||

Blessed and beautiful is that mouth, which meditates on the Lord. ||3||

jnm mrx duK kwl ismrq imit jwveI ]

janam maran dhukh kaal simarath mitt jaavee ||

The pains of birth, death and reincarnation are erased by meditating on the Lord.

nwnk kY suKu soie jo pRB BwveI ]4]11]113]

naanak kai sukh soe jo prabh bhaavee ||4||11||113||

That alone is Nanak's joy, which is pleasing to God. ||4||11||113||