Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
Awvhu mIq iekqR hoie rs ks siB Buµch ]
aucwrx iek`qR
aavahu meeth eikathr hoe ras kas sabh bhuncheh ||
Come, O friends: let us meet together and enjoy all the tastes and flavors.
AMimRq nwmu hir hir jph imil pwpw muMch ]1]
anmrith naam har har japeh mil paapaa muncheh ||1||
Let us join together and chant the Ambrosial Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and so wipe away our sins. ||1||
qqu vIcwrhu sMq jnhu qw qy ibGnu n lwgY ]
thath veechaarahu santh janahu thaa thae bighan n laagai ||
Reflect upon the essence of reality, O Saintly beings, and no troubles shall afflict you.
KIn Bey siB qskrw gurmuiK jnu jwgY ]1] rhwau ]
kheen bheae sabh thasakaraa guramukh jan jaagai ||1|| rehaao ||
All of the thieves shall be destroyed, as the Gurmukhs remain wakeful. ||1||Pause||
buiD grIbI Krcu lYhu haumY ibKu jwrhu ]
budhh gareebee kharach laihu houmai bikh jaarahu ||
Take wisdom and humility as your supplies, and burn away the poison of pride.
swcw htu pUrw saudw vKru nwmu vwpwrhu ]2]
aucwrx saudw: ibMdI rihq bolo (ASuD: sauNdw)
saachaa hatt pooraa soudhaa vakhar naam vaapaarahu ||2||
True is that shop, and perfect the transaction; deal only in the merchandise of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||2||
jIau ipMfu Dnu AripAw syeI piqvµqy ]
jeeo pindd dhhan arapiaa saeee pathivanthae ||
They alone are accepted and approved, who dedicate their souls, bodies and wealth.
AwpnVy pRB BwixAw inq kyl krµqy ]3]
aapanarrae prabh bhaaniaa nith kael karanthae ||3||
Those who are pleasing to their God, celebrate in happiness. ||3||
durmiq mdu jo pIvqy ibKlIpiq kmlI ]
aucwrx ibKlI-piq
dhuramath madh jo peevathae bikhalee path kamalee ||
Those fools, who drink in the wine of evil-mindedness, become the husbands of prostitutes.
rwm rswieix jo rqy nwnk sc AmlI ]4]12]114]
aucwrx r`qy
raam rasaaein jo rathae naanak sach amalee ||4||12||114||
But those who are imbued with the sublime essence of the Lord, O Nanak, are intoxicated with the Truth. ||4||12||114||