Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama17 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

vwihgurU jIau sq

vaahiguroo jeeau sat

Waaheguru is the Truth,

gurU AMgd AW murSdul-AwlmIN

guroo a(n)gadh aa(n) murashadhula-aalamee(n)

Guru Angad is the prophet for both the worlds,

iz &jil Ahd rihmqul mznbIn ] 55 ]

z phajal ahadh rahimatul mazanabeen || 55 ||

With the grace of Akaalpurakh, he is the blessing for the sinners. (55)

do Awlm ic bwSd hzNrW jhW

dho aalam ch baashadh haza(n)raa(n) jahaa(n)

What to talk of just two worlds! With his bestowals,

quPYil krmhwie E kwmwrW ] 56 ]

tufail karamahai o kaamaaraa(n) || 56 ||

Thousands worlds are successful to get redemption. (56)

vjUdS hmw &jlo &Yiz krIm

vajoodhash hamaa phajalo phaiz kareem

His body is the treasure of the graces of the forgiving Waaheguru,

iz h`k Awmdo hm bh`k musqkIm ] 57 ]

z ha'k aamadho ham baha'k musatakeem || 57 ||

He manifested from Him and at the end, he got absorbed in Him as well. (57)

hmw AwSkwro inhW zwihrS

hamaa aashakaaro nihaa(n) zaahirash

He is always manifest whether he is visible or hidden,

bqUno ieXW jumlgI bwihrS ] 58 ]

batoono iyaa(n) jumalagee baahirash || 58 ||

He is present everywhere here and there, inside and outside. (58)

cU v`swi& aU zwiq h`k Awmdw

choo va'saaph uoo zaat ha'k aamadhaa

His admirer is, in fact, an admirer of Akaalpurakh,

vjUdS iz kudsI vrk Awmdw ] 59 ]

vajoodhash z kudhasee varak aamadhaa || 59 ||

And, his disposition is a page from the tome of the gods. (59)

iz vs&S zbwin do Awlm ksIr

z vasaphash zabaan dho aalam kaseer

He cannot be admired enough by the tongues of both the worlds,

bvd qMg pySS &zwie zmIr ] 60 ]

bavadh ta(n)g peshash phazai zameer || 60 ||

And, for him, the vast courtyard of the soul is not large enough. (60)

hmW ibh ik ^whym Az &jil aU

hamaa(n) beh k khhaahem az phajal uoo

Therefore, it would be prudent for us that we should, from his eclat and beneficence

iz Alqw&o Akrwm h`k Adil aU ] 61 ]

z alataapho akaraam ha'k adhal uoo || 61 ||

And His kindness and generosity, obtain His command. (61)

sir mw bpwieS bvd br dvwm

sar maa bapaish bavadh bar dhavaam

Our heads should, therefore, always bow at His lotus feet,

inSwrS idlo jwin mn musqdwm ] 62 ]

nishaarash dhilo jaan man musatadhaam || 62 ||

And, our heart and soul should always be willing to sacrifice themselves for Him. (62)