Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama11 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

vwihgurU jIau sq

vaahiguroo jeeau sat

Waaheguru is the Truth,

gurU Arjn jumlw jUdo &zwl

guroo arajan jumalaa joodho phazaal

Guru Arjan is the personification of bestowals and praises,

hkIkq pzoihMdwie h`k jmwl ] 75 ]

hakeekat pazohi(n)dhai ha'k jamaal || 75 ||

And, is the searcher of the reality of the glory of Akaalpurakh. (75)

vjUdS hmw rihmiq eIzdI

vajoodhash hamaa rahimat ieezadhee

His entire body is the glimpse and reflection of the kindness and benevolence of Akaalpurakh,

sAwdq &zwieMdie srmdI ] 76 ]

saadhat phazai(n)dhi saramadhee || 76 ||

And, is the propagator of the eternal virtues. (76)

murIdS do Awlm ich bl sd hzwr

mureedhash dho aalam cheh bal sadh hazaar

What to speak of just two worlds, he had millions of followers,

hmw krmhwie aU ju`rwAw ^Íwr ] 77 ]

hamaa karamahai uoo ju'raaa khhavaiaar || 77 ||

All of them are drinking gulps of divine nectar of his kindness. (77)

Azo nzm kwil h`k AMdySw rw

azo nazam kaal ha'k a(n)dheshaa raa

Verses full of divine thought comes down out of him,

bdo nsk ielie XkIN-pySw rw ] 78 ]

badho nasak ili yakee(n)-peshaa raa || 78 ||

And, faith and trust-revealing essays, full of spiritual enlightenment, are also from him. (78)

jlwie mkwil h`k Awmd Azo

jalai makaal ha'k aamadh azo

Divine thought and conversation get the glitter and shine from him,

&roiZ jmwil h`k Awmd Azo ] 79 ]

pharog(h) jamaal ha'k aamadh azo || 79 ||

And, the divine beauty also gets its freshness and bloom from him.(79)