Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama15 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

slqænqy pMjm

salatnate pa(n)jam

Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji

slqænqy pMjmS hulIAw Awrwey Svwirky AW hr chwr mSAæly hæ`kæ Anvwr ]

salatnate pa(n)jamash huleeaa, aaraae shavaarike; aa(n) har chahaar mashale, h'k anavaar ||

The fifth Guru, the burnisher of the flames of the previous four Gurus of heavenly glow, was the fifth successor to the divine seat of Guru Nanak.

v Az ruqbh hr pMj kæudsI vwlw mMnizl v blµd iekæq-dwr ]

v az rutabaha, har pa(n)j kudhasee; vaalaa ma(n)nazila, v bala(n)dh ikta-dhaar ||

He was the withholder of the truth and the disseminator of the brilliance of Akaalpurakh, a teacher of high status with spiritual ostentation because of his own greatness and his rank was a way higher than the five sacred sections of the society.

hækæ iSkoh v hækæIkæq prvr

hk shikoha, v hkeekt paravar

AAælw Aæzmq &Yz gusqr ]

aalaa azamata, phaiz gusatar ||

mkæbUly hzrqy ikbrIXw

makboole, hazarate kibareeyaa

He was the favorite of the heavenly shrine

v mqælUby bwrgwhy by-hmqw ]

v matloobe, baaragaahe be-hamataa ||

and a beloved of the extraordinary divine court.

E dr hæ`kæ v hæ`kæ dr zwqS

o dhar h'k, v h'k dhar zaatash

He was one with God and vice versa.

v A&zUM-qr Az ibAW hr zbW is&wqS ]

v aphazoo(n)-tara, az biaa(n) har zabaa(n) siphaatash ||

Our tongue is incapable to describe his virtues and kudos.

^wswn ^wky rwhS

khhaasaan khhaake raahash

Persons of distinction are the dust of his path,

v kæudsIAW dr iz`ly pnwhS ]

v kudhaseeaa(n), dhar zi'le panaahash ||

and the heavenly angels are under his auspicious patronage.

Ail&y nwmy AhædIXq ieMiqzwmS ieAæw-nq b^Sy hr nw-aumId v rWdh ]

aliphe naame, ahdheeyat i(n)tizaamasha; iaa-nat bakhhashe, har naa-aumeedh v raa(n)dheh ||

The letter 'Alif' in the word Arjan that implies to weave the whole world into one link and is the proponent of the unity of Waaheguru, is the supporter and helper to every hopeless, cursed and disdained person.

vw rwey rwhæq A&zwieS r&Ikæy hr zlIl v drmWdh ]

vaa raae, raaht aphazaisha; rapheeke har zaleela, v dharamaa(n)dheh ||

The 'Ray' in his name is the friend of every tired, languid and exhausted individual.

jImy hæ`kæ nsImS jW &zwieMd-hey ierwdq guzInW ]

jeeme h'k naseemasha, jaa(n) phazai(n)dha-he iraadhat guzeenaa(n) ||

The heavenly aromatic 'Jeem' blesses freshness to the faithful and the companion of largess,

v nUny &Yz mkæ-rUnS nvwizMd-hey AækæIdq AweInW ]63]

v noone phaiz mak-roonasha; navaazi(n)dha-he akeedhat aaieenaa(n) ||63||

Noon', patronizes the devoted believers. (74)