Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1GanjnamaGanjnama17 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

slqænqy h&qm

salatnate haphatam

The seventh Guru, Guru Har Rai Ji

slqænqy h&q-mS Az h&q v nuhu br-qrIN

salatnate haphata-masha, az haphat v nuh bara-taree(n)

The seventh Guru, Guru (Kartaa) Har Rai Ji, was larger than the seven foreign countries, specially, Great Britain and nine skies.

v sd hzwrW sbw v iqsAæ ^wik-nSIN ]

v sadh hazaaraa(n), sabaa v tisa khhaaki-nashee(n) ||

Millions of people from all the seven directions and nine boundaries sit in the dust of his feet

aulvI-Awny kæudsI bsqr kmr br drS

aulavee-aane kudhasee, basatar kamar bar dharash

Holy angels and gods are standing in attention at his gate

v kæudsI-Awny aulvI cwkry &rmW-brS ]

v kudhasee-aane ulavee, chaakare pharamaa(n)-barash ||

and the holy angels and gods are his obedient servitors.

Az hm gusl kmMdy mrg v hlwk

az ham gusala, kama(n)dhe marag v halaak

He is the one who can break the noose of death;

v mlkul-mOqy shm-nwk Az AæzmqS sInh cwk ]

v malakula-mauate sahama-naaka; az azamatash seeneh chaak ||

the chest of dreadful Yamraaj bursts open (with envy) when he listens to his laudation.

q^q-nSIny slqænqy byzvwl

takhhata-nasheene, salatnate bezavaal

He occupies the immortal throne

v mkæbUly drgwhy vwih-bul-muqAæwl ]

v makboole dharagaahe, vaahi-bula-mutaal ||

and is the favorite in the court of ever-bestowing-eternal Akaalpurakh.

muneiæmul&zwl ^ud qæwilbS

muneimulaphazaala, khhudh taalibash

Granter of blessings and boons, the Akaalpurakh Himself, is desirous of him

v br kædr v kæudrq dsqgwh ZwilbS ]

v bar kdhar v kudharata, dhasatagaeh g(h)aalibash ||

and his strength is overpowering over His powerful Nature.

Az nwmy &`r^S kw&y qwzI krwmqy krU`bIAW

az naame pha'rakhhash kaaphe taazee, karaamate karoo'beeaa(n)

The 'Kaaf' of his sacred name is soothing for those who are the near and dear ones of Waaheguru.

b rwey hækæ grwieS irAwhæy kæu`dUsIAW ]

b raae hk garaisha, riaahe ku'dhooseeaa(n) ||

The truth-tilted 'Ray' provides nectarous eternal savor for the angels.

qwey bw-Ail&y E qwb dyh pMjhey qhm qnWny &lk zor ]

taae baa-aliphe o, taab dheh pa(n)jahe; taham tanaa(n)ne phalak zor ||

The 'Alif' along with 'Tay' in his name is powerful enough to crumple and mangle the hands of famous wrestlers like Rustam and Behman.

v hwey bw-rwieS hzImq A&gny &lk hYb-qwny slh-Sor ]

v haae baa-raisha, hazeemat aphagane; phalak haiba-taane salaha-shor ||

The 'Hay' along with 'Ray' can defeat the armed and weapon-wearing influential angels of the skies.

rwey bw-Ail&S rw auSr br-guzI rwm

raae baa-aliphash raa, ushar bara-guzee raam

The 'Ray' along with 'Alif' can tame even the strong lions,

v Xwey Awi^rS Xwvry ^wso Aæwm ]86]

v yaae aakhhirasha, yaavare khhaaso aam ||86||

and his last 'Yeh' is supporter of every common and special person. (86)