SGGSAng 397Raag AsaMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

Awsw mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx Awsw mh`lw pMjvw

aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

ijn@w n ivsrY nwmu sy iknyihAw ]

aucwrx ik-nyihAw

jinhaa n visarai naam sae kinaehiaa ||

What are they like - those who do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord?

Bydu n jwxhu mUil sWeI jyihAw ]1]

bhaedh n jaanahu mool saanee jaehiaa ||1||

Know that there is absolutely no difference; they are exactly like the Lord. ||1||

mnu qnu hoie inhwlu qum@ sµig ByitAw ]

man than hoe nihaal thumh sang bhaettiaa ||

The mind and body are enraptured, meeting with You, O Lord.

suKu pwieAw jn prswid duKu sBu myitAw ]1] rhwau ]

sukh paaeiaa jan parasaadh dhukh sabh maettiaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Peace is obtained, by the favor of the Lord's humble servant; all pains are taken away. ||1||Pause||

jyqy KMf bRhmMf auDwry iqMn@ Ky ]

jaethae khandd brehamandd oudhhaarae thinnh khae ||

As many as are the continents of the world, so many have been saved.

ijn min vuTw Awip pUry Bgq sy ]2]

jinh man vuthaa aap poorae bhagath sae ||2||

Those, in whose minds You Yourself dwell, O Lord, are the perfect devotees. ||2||

ijsno mMny Awip soeI mwnIAY ]

jis no mannae aap soee maaneeai ||

Those whom You approve, are approved.

pRgt purKu prvwxu sB TweI jwnIAY ]3]

pragatt purakh paravaan sabh thaaee jaaneeai ||3||

Such a celebrated and honored person is known everywhere. ||3||

idnsu rYix AwrwiD sm@wly swh swh ]

dhinas rain aaraadhh samhaalae saah saah ||

Day and night, with every breath to worship and adore the Lord

nwnk kI locw pUir scy pwiqswh ]4]6]108]

naanak kee lochaa poor sachae paathisaah ||4||6||108||

- please, O True Supreme King, fulfill this, Nanak's desire. ||4||6||108||