SGGSAng 629Raag SorathMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

soriT mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx soriT mh`lw pMjvw

sorath mehalaa 5 ||

Sorat'h, Fifth Mehl:

hir min qin visAw soeI ]

har man than vasiaa soee ||

The Lord abides in my mind and body.

jY jY kwru kry sBu koeI ]

jai jai kaar karae sabh koee ||

Everyone congratulates me on my victory.

gur pUry kI vifAweI ]

gur poorae kee vaddiaaee ||

This is the glorious greatness of the Perfect Guru.

qw kI kImiq khI n jweI ]1]

thaa kee keemath kehee n jaaee ||1||

His value cannot be described. ||1||

hau kurbwnu jweI qyry nwvY ]

ho kurabaan jaaee thaerae naavai ||

I am a sacrifice to Your Name.

ijsno bKis lYih myry ipAwry so jsu qyrw gwvY ]1] rhwau ]

jis no bakhas laihi maerae piaarae so jas thaeraa gaavai ||1|| rehaao ||

He alone, whom You have forgiven, O my Beloved, sings Your Praises. ||1||Pause||

qUµ Bwro suAwmI myrw ]

thoon bhaaro suaamee maeraa ||

You are my Great Lord and Master.

sMqW Brvwsw qyrw ]

santhaan bharavaasaa thaeraa ||

You are the support of the Saints.

nwnk pRB srxweI ]

naanak prabh saranaaee ||

Nanak has entered God's Sanctuary.

muiK inMdk kY CweI ]2]22]86]

mukh nindhak kai shhaaee ||2||22||86||

The faces of the slanderers are blackened with ashes. ||2||22||86||