bRhm igAwnI kY eykY rMg ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai eaekai rang ||
The God-conscious being loves the One Lord alone.
bRhm igAwnI kY bsY pRBu sMg ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai basai prabh sang ||
The God-conscious being dwells with God.
bRhm igAwnI kY nwmu ADwru ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai naam aadhhaar ||
The God-conscious being takes the Naam as his Support.
bRhm igAwnI kY nwmu prvwru ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai naam paravaar ||
The God-conscious being has the Naam as his Family.
bRhm igAwnI sdw sd jwgq ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee sadhaa sadh jaagath ||
The God-conscious being is awake and aware, forever and ever.
bRhm igAwnI AhµbuiD iqAwgq ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee ahanbudhh thiaagath ||
The God-conscious being renounces his proud ego.
bRhm igAwnI kY min prmwnµd ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai man paramaanandh ||
In the mind of the God-conscious being, there is supreme bliss.
bRhm igAwnI kY Gir sdw Anµd ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee kai ghar sadhaa anandh ||
In the home of the God-conscious being, there is everlasting bliss.
bRhm igAwnI suK shj invws ]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
breham giaanee sukh sehaj nivaas ||
The God-conscious being dwells in peaceful ease.
nwnk bRhm igAwnI kw nhI ibnws ]5]
aucwrx bRhm: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo
naanak breham giaanee kaa nehee binaas ||5||
O Nanak, the God-conscious being shall never perish. ||5||