Bhai Nand Laal JiAng 1Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)Divaan-e-Goya (Ghazals)14 linesBhai Nand Lal Ji

cUM mwih do h&qw rU nmweI ic Svd

choon maahi dho hafathaa roo namaaee ch shavadha

What would happen if you would show your full-moon-like gracious face?

iemSb mih mn Agr ibAweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 1 ]

eimashab mehi man agar biaaee ch shavadh || 25 || 1 ||

O my beloved! There would be just no cause of any damage if you would kindly show your face tonight. (25) (1)

eIN jumlwie jhW AwsIir zul&q gSqw

een jumalaae jehaan aaseer zulafath gashathaa

The whole world is enchanted and captivated with just one lock of your hair.

X`k lihzw Agr igrhw kuSweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 2 ]

yak lehizaa agar girehaa kushaaee ch shavadh || 25 || 2 ||

What would you lose and what would be the harm if you would open this mystery (knot) just for one moment? (25) (2)

Awlm hmw gSqw Asq by qU qwrIk

aalam hamaa gashathaa asath bae thoo thaareeka

The entire world fell into darkness without you,

^urSId is&q Agr br AweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 3 ]

khurasheedh sifath agar bar aaee ch shavadh || 25 || 3 ||

What would you lose if you were to come out like the sun? (25) (3)

X`k lihzw ibAw vw dr do cSmm ib-nSI

yak lehizaa biaa vaa dhar dho chashamam bi-nashee

Goyaa says: Kindly come even for a moment and make my eyes your abode.

dr dIdw inSsqw idlrubwey ic Svd ] 25 ] 4 ]

dhar dheedhaa nishasathaa dhilarubaaeae ch shavadh || 25 || 4 ||

O you, the enticer of my heart! What would be the harm if you were to abide in my eyes just for a short time? (25) (4)

eIN ihMdUie ^wlq ik br-rUAq SYdw Asq

een hindhooe khaalath k bara-rooath shaidhaa asatha

What would be the harm if you could sell your black moled-torso to me,

ib-&roSI Agr b nkid ^udweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 5 ]

bi-faroshee agar b nakadh khudhaaee ch shavadh || 25 || 5 ||

who is crazy for your divine face in exchange for the whole world? (25) (5)

dr dIdw qUeI v mn bhir kU joXw

dhar dheedhaa thooee v man behar koo joyaa

You are the light of my eyes and are abiding in them. Then whom am I looking for?

Az prdwie ZYb rU-nmweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 6 ]

az paradhaae ghaib roo-namaaee ch shavadh || 25 || 6 ||

What would be the harm if you could emerge out of the invisible veil and show me your beautiful face? (25) (6)

goXwsq bhr qr& surwZq joXw

goyaasath behar tharaf suraaghath joyaa

Goyaa says, I am lost on your trail and am trying to look for you (the Guru) in every nook and corner,

gr gum-Sudwrw rihnmweI ic Svd ] 25 ] 7 ]

gar guma-shudhaaraa rehinamaaee ch shavadh || 25 || 7 ||

What would you lose if you were to direct this strayed and lost person towards the right path. (25) (7)