SGGSAng 101Raag MajhMahalla 513 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mwJ mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw

maajh mehalaa 5 ||

Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

iniD isiD iriD hir hir hir myrY ]

aucwrx in`iD; is`iD; ir`iD

nidhh sidhh ridhh har har har maerai ||

My Lord, Har, Har, Har, is the nine treasures, the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, wealth and prosperity.

jnmu pdwrQu gihr gMBIrY ]

janam padhaarathh gehir ganbheerai ||

He is the Deep and Profound Treasure of Life.

lwK kot KusIAw rMg rwvY jo gur lwgw pweI jIau ]1]

laakh kott khuseeaa rang raavai jo gur laagaa paaee jeeo ||1||

Hundreds of thousands, even millions of pleasures and delights are enjoyed by one who falls at the Guru's Feet. ||1||

drsnu pyKq Bey punIqw ]

dharasan paekhath bheae puneethaa ||

Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of His Darshan, all are sanctified,

sgl auDwry BweI mIqw ]

sagal oudhhaarae bhaaee meethaa ||

And all family and friends are saved.

Agm Agocru suAwmI Apunw gur ikrpw qy scu iDAweI jIau ]2]

agam agochar suaamee apunaa gur kirapaa thae sach dhhiaaee jeeo ||2||

The One, the Guru, who is sought by all-only a few, by great good fortune, receive His Darshan.

jw kau Kojih srb aupwey ]

jaa ko khojehi sarab oupaaeae ||

The One, the Guru, who is sought by all-only a few,

vfBwgI drsnu ko ivrlw pwey ]

vaddabhaagee dharasan ko viralaa paaeae ||

By great good fortune, receive His Darshan.

aUc Apwr Agocr Qwnw Ehu mhlu gurU dyKweI jIau ]3]

ooch apaar agochar thhaanaa ouhu mehal guroo dhaekhaaee jeeo ||3||

His Place is lofty, infinite and unfathomable; the Guru has shown me that palace. ||3||

gihr gMBIr AMimRq nwmu qyrw ]

gehir ganbheer anmrith naam thaeraa ||

Your Ambrosial Name is deep and profound.

mukiq BieAw ijsu irdY vsyrw ]

mukath bhaeiaa jis ridhai vasaeraa ||

That person is liberated, in whose heart You dwell.

guir bµDn iqn ky sgly kwty jn nwnk shij smweI jIau ]4]16]23]

gur bandhhan thin kae sagalae kaattae jan naanak sehaj samaaee jeeo ||4||16||23||

The Guru cuts away all his bonds; O Servant Nanak, he is absorbed in the poise of intuitive peace. ||4||16||23||