mwJ mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx mwJ mh`lw pMjvw
maajh mehalaa 5 ||
Maajh, Fifth Mehl:
pRB ikrpw qy hir hir iDAwvau ]
prabh kirapaa thae har har dhhiaavo ||
By God's Grace, I meditate on the Lord, Har, Har.
pRBU dieAw qy mMglu gwvau ]
prabhoo dhaeiaa thae mangal gaavo ||
By God's Kindness, I sing the songs of joy.
aUTq bYTq sovq jwgq hir iDAweIAY sgl Avrdw jIau ]1]
aucwrx A-vrdw: 'd' nwl bolo
oothath baithath sovath jaagath har dhhiaaeeai sagal avaradhaa jeeo ||1||
While standing and sitting, while sleeping and while awake, meditate on the Lord, all your life. ||1||
nwmu AauKDu mokau swDU dIAw ]
naam aoukhadhh mo ko saadhhoo dheeaa ||
The Holy Saint has given me the Medicine of the Naam.
iklibK kwty inrmlu QIAw ]
kilabikh kaattae niramal thheeaa ||
My sins have been cut out, and I have become pure.
Andu BieAw inksI sB pIrw sgl ibnwsy drdw jIau ]2]
anadh bhaeiaa nikasee sabh peeraa sagal binaasae dharadhaa jeeo ||2||
I am filled with bliss, and all my pains have been taken away. All my suffering has been dispelled. ||2||
ijs kw AMgu kry myrw ipAwrw ]
jis kaa ang karae maeraa piaaraa ||
One who has my Beloved on his side,
so mukqw swgr sMswrw ]
so mukathaa saagar sansaaraa ||
Is liberated from the world-ocean.
siq kry ijin gurU pCwqw so kwhy kau frdw jIau ]3]
sath karae jin guroo pashhaathaa so kaahae ko ddaradhaa jeeo ||3||
One who recognizes the Guru practices Truth; why should he be afraid? ||3||
jb qy swDU sµgiq pwey ]
jab thae saadhhoo sangath paaeae ||
Since I found the Company of the Holy and met the Guru,
gur Bytq hau geI blwey ]
gur bhaettath ho gee balaaeae ||
The demon of pride has departed.
swis swis hir gwvY nwnku siqgur Fwik lIAw myrw pVdw jIau ]4]17]24]
aucwrx pVdw: polw bolo
saas saas har gaavai naanak sathigur dtaak leeaa maeraa parradhaa jeeo ||4||17||24||
With each and every breath, Nanak sings the Lord's Praises. The True Guru has covered my sins. ||4||17||24||