BYrau mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw
bhairo mehalaa 3 ||
Bhairao, Third Mehl:
Awpy dYq lwie idqy sMq jnw kau Awpy rwKw soeI ]
aapae dhaith laae dhithae santh janaa ko aapae raakhaa soee ||
The Lord Himself makes demons pursue the Saints, and He Himself saves them.
jo qyrI sdw srxweI iqn min duKu n hoeI ]1]
jo thaeree sadhaa saranaaee thin man dhukh n hoee ||1||
Those who remain forever in Your Sanctuary, O Lord - their minds are never touched by sorrow. ||1||
juig juig Bgqw kI rKdw AwieAw ]
jug jug bhagathaa kee rakhadhaa aaeiaa ||
In each and every age, the Lord saves the honor of His devotees.
dYq puqRü pRhlwdu gwieqRI qrpxu ikCU n jwxY sbdy myil imlwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
aucwrx qr-pxu
dhaith puthra prehalaadh gaaeithree tharapan kishhoo n jaanai sabadhae mael milaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Prahlaad, the demon's son, knew nothing of the Hindu morning prayer, the Gayatri, and nothing about ceremonial water-offerings to his ancestors; but through the Word of the Shabad, he was united in the Lord's Union. ||1||Pause||
Anidnu Bgiq krih idn rwqI duibDw sbdy KoeI ]
anadhin bhagath karehi dhin raathee dhubidhhaa sabadhae khoee ||
Night and day, he performed devotional worship service, day and night, and through the Shabad, his duality was eradicated.
sdw inrml hY jo sic rwqy scu visAw min soeI ]2]
aucwrx rwqy: Bwrw krky bolo
sadhaa niramal hai jo sach raathae sach vasiaa man soee ||2||
Those who are imbued with Truth are immaculate and pure; the True Lord abides within their minds. ||2||
mUrK duibDw pVHih mUlu n pCwxih ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]
moorakh dhubidhhaa parrhehi mool n pashhaanehi birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||
The fools in duality read, but they do not understand anything; they waste their lives uselessly.
sMq jnw kI inMdw krih dustu dYqu icVwieAw ]3]
aucwrx icVwieAw: polw bolo
santh janaa kee nindhaa karehi dhusatt dhaith chirraaeiaa ||3||
The wicked demon slandered the Saint, and stirred up trouble. ||3||
pRhlwdu duibDw n pVY hir nwmu n CofY frY n iksY dw frwieAw ]
aucwrx p`VY
prehalaadh dhubidhhaa n parrai har naam n shhoddai ddarai n kisai dhaa ddaraaeiaa ||
Prahlaad did not read in duality, and he did not abandon the Lord's Name; he was not afraid of any fear.
sMq jnw kw hir jIau rwKw dYqY kwlu nyVw AwieAw ]4]
santh janaa kaa har jeeo raakhaa dhaithai kaal naerraa aaeiaa ||4||
The Dear Lord became the Savior of the Saint, and the demonic Death could not even approach him. ||4||
AwpxI pYj Awpy rwKY BgqW dyie vifAweI ]
aapanee paij aapae raakhai bhagathaan dhaee vaddiaaee ||
The Lord Himself saved his honor, and blessed his devotee with glorious greatness.
nwnk hrxwKsu nKI ibdwirAw AMDY dr kI Kbir n pweI ]5]11]21]
aucwrx hr-xwKsu; nKI: polw bolo
naanak haranaakhas nakhee bidhaariaa andhhai dhar kee khabar n paaee ||5||11||21||
O Nanak, Harnaakhash was torn apart by the Lord with His claws; the blind demon knew nothing of the Lord's Court. ||5||11||21||