SGGSAng 1137Raag BhaironMahalla 511 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

BYrau mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw

bhairo mehalaa 5 ||

Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:

lypu n lwgo iql kw mUil ]

laep n laago thil kaa mool ||

The poison had absolutely no harmful effect.

dustu bRwhmxu mUAw hoie kY sUl ]1]

dhusatt braahaman mooaa hoe kai sool ||1||

But the wicked Brahmin died in pain. ||1||

hir jn rwKy pwrbRhim Awip ]

aucwrx pwr-bRhim: 'bR' dulwvw rihq bolo

har jan raakhae paarabreham aap ||

The Supreme Lord God Himself has saved His humble servant.

pwpI mUAw gur prqwip ]1] rhwau ]

paapee mooaa gur parathaap ||1|| rehaao ||

The sinner died through the Power of the Guru. ||1||Pause||

Apxw Ksmu jin Awip iDAwieAw ]

apanaa khasam jan aap dhhiaaeiaa ||

The humble servant of the Lord and Master meditates on Him.

ieAwxw pwpI Ehu Awip pcwieAw ]2]

eiaanaa paapee ouhu aap pachaaeiaa ||2||

He Himself has destroyed the ignorant sinner. ||2||

pRB mwq ipqw Apxy dws kw rKvwlw ]

prabh maath pithaa apanae dhaas kaa rakhavaalaa ||

God is the Mother, the Father and the Protector of His slave.

inMdk kw mwQw eIhW aUhw kwlw ]3]

nindhak kaa maathhaa eehaan oohaa kaalaa ||3||

The face of the slanderer, here and hereafter, is blackened. ||3||

jn nwnk kI prmysir suxI Ardwis ]

jan naanak kee paramaesar sunee aradhaas ||

The Transcendent Lord has heard the prayer of servant Nanak.

mlyCu pwpI picAw BieAw inrwsu ]4]9]

malaeshh paapee pachiaa bhaeiaa niraas ||4||9||

The filthy sinner lost hope and died. ||4||9||