SGGSAng 658Raag SorathBhagat Ravidas Ji20 linesBhagat Ravidas Ji

suK swgru surqr icMqwmin kwmDynu bis jw ky ]

aucwrx sur-qr

sukh saagar surathar chinthaaman kaamadhhaen bas jaa kae ||

He is the ocean of peace; the miraculous tree of life, the wish-fulfilling jewel, and the Kaamadhayna, the cow which fulfills all desires, all are in His power.

cwir pdwrQ Ast dsw isiD nviniD kr ql qw ky ]1]

aucwrx is`iD; nv-in`iD

chaar padhaarathh asatt dhasaa sidhh nav nidhh kar thal thaa kae ||1||

The four great blessings, the eighteen supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, and the nine treasures, are all in the palm of His hand. ||1||

hir hir hir n jpih rsnw ]

har har har n japehi rasanaa ||

You do not chant with your tongue the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.

Avr sB iqAwig bcn rcnw ]1] rhwau ]

avar sabh thiaag bachan rachanaa ||1|| rehaao ||

Abandon your involvement in all other words. ||1||Pause||

nwnw iKAwn purwn byd ibiD cauqIs AKr mWhI ]

aucwrx nwnw: pihlw 'n' Bwrw krky

naanaa khiaan puraan baedh bidhh chouthees akhar maanhee ||

The various Shaastras, Puranaas, and the Vedas of Brahma, are made up of thirty-four letters.

ibAws ibcwir kihE prmwrQu rwm nwm sir nwhI ]2]

aucwrx pr-mwrQu

biaas bichaar kehiou paramaarathh raam naam sar naahee ||2||

After deep contemplation, Vyaas spoke of the supreme objective; there is nothing equal to the Lord's Name. ||2||

shj smwiD aupwiD rhq Puin bfY Bwig ilv lwgI ]

sehaj samaadhh oupaadhh rehath fun baddai bhaag liv laagee ||

Very fortunate are those who are absorbed in celestial bliss, and released from their entanglements; they are lovingly attached to the Lord.

kih rivdws pRgwsu irdY Dir jnm mrn BY BwgI ]3]4]

aucwrx rivdws: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdws)

kehi ravidhaas pragaas ridhai dhhar janam maran bhai bhaagee ||3||4||

Says Ravi Daas, enshrine the Lord's Light within your heart, and your fear of birth and death shall run away from you. ||3||4||

jau qum igirvr qau hm morw ]

jo thum girivar tho ham moraa ||

If You are the mountain, Lord, then I am the peacock.

jau qum cMd qau hm Bey hY ckorw ]1]

jo thum chandh tho ham bheae hai chakoraa ||1||

If You are the moon, then I am the partridge in love with it. ||1||

mwDvy qumn qorhu qau hm nhI qorih ]

aucwrx qumn: iek`Tw bolo

maadhhavae thum n thorahu tho ham nehee thorehi ||

O Lord, if You will not break with me, then I will not break with You.

qum isau qoir kvn isau jorih ]1] rhwau ]

thum sio thor kavan sio jorehi ||1|| rehaao ||

For, if I were to break with You, with whom would I then join? ||1||Pause||

jau qum dIvrw qau hm bwqI ]

jo thum dheevaraa tho ham baathee ||

If You are the lamp, then I am the wick.

jau qum qIrQ qau hm jwqI ]2]

jo thum theerathh tho ham jaathee ||2||

If You are the sacred place of pilgrimage, then I am the pilgrim. ||2||

swcI pRIiq hm qum isau jorI ]

saachee preeth ham thum sio joree ||

I am joined in true love with You, Lord.

qum isau joir Avr sµig qorI ]3]

thum sio jor avar sang thoree ||3||

I am joined with You, and I have broken with all others. ||3||

jh jh jwau qhw qyrI syvw ]

jeh jeh jaao thehaa thaeree saevaa ||

Wherever I go, there I serve You.

qum so Twkuru Aauru n dyvw ]4]

thum so thaakur aour n dhaevaa ||4||

There is no other Lord Master than You, O Divine Lord. ||4||

qumry Bjn ktih jm PWsw ]

aucwrx Bjn: polw bolo

thumarae bhajan kattehi jam faansaa ||

Meditating, vibrating upon You, the noose of death is cut away.

Bgiq hyq gwvY rivdwsw ]5]5]

aucwrx rivdwsw: 'iv' ishwrI iv`c rhxw (ASuD: rvIdwsw)

bhagath haeth gaavai ravidhaasaa ||5||5||

To attain devotional worship, Ravi Daas sings to You, Lord. ||5||5||