BYrau mhlw 3 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw qIjw
bhairo mehalaa 3 ||
Bhairao, Third Mehl:
kil mih pRyq ijnI rwmu n pCwqw sqjuig prm hMs bIcwrI ]
kal mehi praeth jinhee raam n pashhaathaa sathajug param hans beechaaree ||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, those who do not realize the Lord are goblins. In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, the supreme soul-swans contemplated the Lord.
duAwpuir qRyqY mwxs vrqih ivrlY haumY mwrI ]1]
aucwrx du-Awpuir
dhuaapur thraethai maanas varathehi viralai houmai maaree ||1||
In the Silver Age of Dwaapur Yuga, and the Brass Age of Traytaa Yuga, mankind prevailed, but only a rare few subdued their egos. ||1||
kil mih rwm nwim vifAweI ]
kal mehi raam naam vaddiaaee ||
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, glorious greatness is obtained through the Lord's Name.
juig juig gurmuiK eyko jwqw ivxu nwvY mukiq n pweI ]1] rhwau ]
jug jug guramukh eaeko jaathaa vin naavai mukath n paaee ||1|| rehaao ||
In each and every age, the Gurmukhs know the One Lord; without the Name, liberation is not attained. ||1||Pause||
ihrdY nwmu lKY jnu swcw gurmuiK mMin vsweI ]
hiradhai naam lakhai jan saachaa guramukh mann vasaaee ||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is revealed in the heart of the True Lord's humble servant. It dwells in the mind of the Gurmukh.
Awip qry sgly kul qwry ijnI rwm nwim ilv lweI ]2]
aap tharae sagalae kul thaarae jinee raam naam liv laaee ||2||
Those who are lovingly focused on the Lord's Name save themselves; they save all their ancestors as well. ||2||
myrw pRBu hY gux kw dwqw Avgx sbid jlwey ]
aucwrx jlwey: polw bolo
maeraa prabh hai gun kaa dhaathaa avagan sabadh jalaaeae ||
My Lord God is the Giver of virtue. The Word of the Shabad burns away all faults and demerits.
ijn min visAw sy jn sohy ihrdY nwmu vswey ]3]
jin man vasiaa sae jan sohae hiradhai naam vasaaeae ||3||
Those whose minds are filled with the Naam are beautiful; they enshrine the Naam within their hearts. ||3||
Gru dru mhlu siqgurU idKwieAw rMg isau rlIAw mwxY ]
ghar dhar mehal sathiguroo dhikhaaeiaa rang sio raleeaa maanai ||
The True Guru has revealed to me the Lord's Home and His Court, and the Mansion of His Presence. I joyfully enjoy His Love.
jo ikCu khY su Blw kir mwnY nwnk nwmu vKwxY ]4]6]16]
jo kishh kehai s bhalaa kar maanai naanak naam vakhaanai ||4||6||16||
Whatever He says, I accept as good; Nanak chants the Naam. ||4||6||16||